Tanning Snake Skin Without Glycerin: 5 Simple Alternativesīut this was merely the nitty-gritty of tanning snakeskin without the use of glycerin, so to speak. If none of these options work for you, invest in a tanning kit and you’ll be set for a while. You may even use borax to clean your house. You can use tanning chemicals or a homemade solutions with lime and aluminum to get the desired results. You can utilize brain oil extracted from the animal’s brain. There are five distinct ways for tanning snakeskin that do not need the use of glycerin. So, what are the best ways for tanning snakeskin that do not need the use of glycerin?
When there is a will, there is always a way. What happens if you’re ready to skin it and discover that there isn’t any glycerin in the bottle? Isn’t it a pain in the neck to deal with? Don’t be concerned.
Is it possible to keep your shotgun trophy after you have killed a python with it? Because it truly is a huge thing, my friend.